Welcome to the CHHS Longhorn Library
The mission of the Cedar Hill High School Library Media Program is to support the curriculum of the Cedar Hill Independent School District, and as part of that mission provide access to current, adequate, and appropriate information resources, and to ensure that all students, teachers, and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
LIBRARY HOURS: Monday thru Friday 7:25 - 2:55 p.m.
All students will enter the library quietly and remain quiet during their stay.
All students will treat library materials with respect and return them promptly.
- No food or drinks allowed in the Library
Students will refrain from bringing food, drinks (including water), candy, etc. into the library.
Students will use the library computers for school work such as research, power point presentations, and typing papers. The Library is a quiet place for others who are working.
Students must have their school ID to check out books-the one with the barcode.
Students may have two (2) books checked out at one time.
Books are checked out for one (1) week and may be renewed one time.
Students will not be able to check out additional books if any are overdue.
Students with overdue books will need to return their books or pay for lost/damaged books in cash. Overdue notices are sent to parents through email and/or postal mail, and to students through school email.
Please plan ahead for your printing needs. Cost is 10 cents per page; black and white only, and 20 cents for color per page.
Students are expected to wear their IDs at all times when they are on campus. The school will issue the first one for free. If the ID is lost or broken, students will need to purchase a replacement. Daily temporary ID's will be made available for $1.00, and payable by cash or My Payments Plus. An email will be generated to the parent and payment must be made electronically.
Replacement IDs may be purchased in the Library for $5.00 which includes a lanyard and case. Payments should be made through My Payments Plus. The Library will receive notification that payment has been made, and a new ID will be created.
If a student only needs a lanyard or case, they are available for $1.00.