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Gloria Woods

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Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Gloria Woods

Ms. Gloria Woods

Hello Longhorns!

Phone: 469-272-2000  


Degrees and Certifications:

Texas A & M University-Commerce

B.A. in Counseling 

Teacher Certification: Family and Consumer Science-Human Development and Family Studies 

I earned my teacher certification in 2007.  Over the years, have taught Parenting, Child Development, Food Science, Credit Recovery, Human Growth and Development, Intro to Culinary Arts,  and Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness. 

For the 2023 - 2024 school year, I will be located at the STEM Center on A-days, Teaching Education and Training, and at CHHS on B-Days, teaching Human Growth and Development.  I am looking forward to a fun filled and exciting school year!