Washington Kenneth
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Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Kenneth Washington
Mr. Washington is driven to help students overcome barriers that impact their lives. He has a Master's Degree in Public Administration from Florida State University and a Bachelor's
Degree in Political Science from Florida A.& M. University. He has taught in various classroom settings including credit and dual credit classes at North Lake and Cedar Valley Colleges in Real Estate.
He has dedicated himself to becoming a life-long educator and learner, and he strives to instill a similar positive attitude in all of his students. Mr. Washington was also Good Morning Texas
(WFAA), Care Now teacher of the month (May 2018).
Grade/Subject: 11-12 Government/Economic
Years at Cedar Hill ISD: 4years
Years in Education: 17
Best way to contact me: kenneth.washington@chisd.net or call me at 469-272-2000 Ext: 7211 and I will respond within 24-48 business hours.
All assignments and important information will be posted in Schoology.
Also please check please check Skyward regularly to check scholars progress.